Marcel Messemaker – Draftsperson
Areas of Expertise:
BIM modeller
Structural & civil draughting
Site investigation & testing
Marcel joined CGW in 2009 and has 30 years of Structural Draughting experience comprising Structural Steelwork, Reinforced Concrete, Precast Panels & Timber Construction. He initially spent several years on the board in the pre-computer days, followed by AutoCad, Microstation and is currently 3D modelling in Revit Structure (BIM).
In his leisure time, Marcel pursues a keen interest in Music, Photography & Video projects, frequents local Cafes and the Theatre/Cinema.
Weather permitting he can often be found in the sky over Abel Tasman as an enthusiastic Skydiver with over 1200 jumps.
You will find Marcel in our Nelson Office.